Thursday, 3 October 2013


Well that's the first painting finished and sent to Artist magazine because I think it will highlight the performance of the theory I suggestedm using computers in mixed media art. The weather has made me think of other things, like the countryside management course I did. So a note of caution:

Don't use a chainsaw without training or you might rip your face of. There's a specific danger called .kickback. If the chain tip hits something it throws the saw backwards into your face. I'll not be descriptive about the injuries,

Those who work with dangeous machinery check it for yourself, even if the person before you was meant to service it. I borrowed a chainsaw and climbing rope. I was told the saw had just been seviced, well it must have been a basket head that did it. They didn't tighten the side bolts and I failed to check them. They came our and bar flew through the woods, whilem fortunately the chain embeded itself in the tree. The rope was also not serviced correctly. It was a new rope, but it hadn't been soaked, so about 30ft up it lost grip and I fell fifteen feet with my back over a branch. I was okay- I was lucky!

I've seen all manner of stupidity. If you have to have a chainsaw and can't go on a course, ok ok please at least read the manual and get the gear!

I was going somewhere with this story. Oh yeah a council worker was sitting on a branch sawing. He was sawing the branch he was sitting on and ended up clattering to the ground. He sued the council on the grounds that he'd never been trained and he won.!!!

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