Friday, 1 November 2013

Modern Art

Well, I have to take back most of what I thought of as modern art. I paid a visit to the Biscuit factory in Newcastle and was quite amazed. I am, at heart a traditionalist and have always poo pooed modern art as childish rubbish that could be produced by a ten year old with a paint pot.

I was absolutely blown away. It wasn't right at all - the pictures looked like things and were pretty colours. Some of the paintings were more real than the real thing! There was one artist I was particularly taken by; Susan Lincoln. Her work is original, colourful, well produced and if you take the time to look, amusing.

I always thought of modern art as spatters or blocks of colour on canvas that was supposed to represent the inner feelings of the artist, but this was good.

Don't get me wrong, I still prefer high art, especially the woman with the pot of basil
Other favourites include the work of John Martin, such as the Deastruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and The Astronomer (which always makes me think of Iron Maiden for some reason!)

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