Monday, 10 March 2014

What is art?

A TV programme, book and DVD have all fired the question into my brain; what is art? What is it that makes something artistic?

Does it have to be beautiful? Not necessarily, some of the greatest works of art deny their own beauty by horrendous content. Is the crucifixion beautiful? Far from it, but it is a significant record for the religious and the painting itself may be skilful. So is art skilful painting? Seemingly not by some artists (personal opinion, sorry!). Is art provocative? Usually, but does skilful and provocative painting make art? This is one answer, but I'm sure someone else would come up with a different definition.

A personal opinion about Matisse and Picasso is that while they provoke I don't see much skill any greater than a school child, but then I may well be missing something?

The Mona Lisa, one of the most valued works of art in the world and I have to admit I'm not keen on it - I just don't get the hype. One thing is Van Gogh includes a background perspective and I believe he was the first to do this with a portrait.

What is art to you? I have a tattoo of the Fairbairn Sykes dagger on my forearm because I feel it is the finest fighting knife ever created and is still used today after its creation in the World War. Is it art? Is a real one art? Some knife enthusiasts would readily compare top knife makers to any world class artist. It seems that art is a very personal thing, but is the essence of it that it means something or strikes an almost inaudible chord within each of us?

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